Flat cities graphic inspiration

It’s been an hours to find new inspiration to create new graphic style of city graphic for my company, as an half-blood graphic designer and web developer with the practical in mind I choose to go the modern-friendly way to communicate with our customer. Material design still be in top of mind like other google lover, and this is some of inspiration I found on DesignSpiration, Pinterest and etc.

Line Cities Series for Dropbox Office from Ryan Putnam

Line Cities Series for Dropbox Office from Ryan Putnam
Line Cities Series for Dropbox Office from Ryan Putnam

Another flat city series by Drishti Kheman from Singapore

Flat cities series by Drishti Kheman
Flat cities series by Drishti Kheman

And I also like to uber’s city graphic

Uber's flat city graphic for website's footer since 2016
Uber's flat city graphic for website's footer since 2016

And some of flat-pop version

Colorful flat cities
Colorful flat cities

Finally I realize that I like the Line version that make graphic flat, simple with geometric feel. And GIF image is very impressive ideas to use this kind of graphic in digital media like website.

Marseille by Lucas Marinm

Marseille by Lucas Marinm
Marseille by Lucas Marinm